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Garden & Home Privacy Policy

The Garden & Home website is 100% secure and we treat your privacy and personal details with the utmost respect and confidentiality. In the Privacy Policy below we explain how we protect your security and privacy, as well as the type of personal data we collect from you, how we use your data and your rights to control its use.


Garden & Home is a company registered in England and Wales, our Company Registration Number is 07391774 and our VAT Registration Number is 106 3474 35. Our Registered Office and postal address for communication is 3 Calverley Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2BZ.


The "Website" mentioned in this Privacy Policy refers to


This policy applies regardless of how the Website is accessed and covers any technologies or devices by which Garden & Home makes the Website available to you (eg: PC, tablet, smartphone). We suggest you read this Privacy Policy carefully and we recommend that you print and retain a copy for your future reference.


By accessing, browsing or otherwise using this Website, you confirm that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy. If you do not want your data to be used as set out in this Privacy Policy, you should not use this Website.


We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal data you provide to us in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, as updated from time to time, and other applicable privacy laws.


If you have any questions about how we collect, store and use personal data, or if you have any other privacy related questions, please contact us on 01892 578 239 or email


The personal data we collect about you


When you make purchases from Garden & Home (including purchases made on any device, over the phone, via our insert or this Website) we may collect the following personal data about you:


  • Your name, title and sex

  • Your billing and delivery postal addresses

  • Your phone numbers (including mobile phone), fax and e-mail details

  • Your communication and shopping preferences

  • Your browsing and online shopping activities

We may also collect some or all of this personal data from third parties who have your consent to pass your details to us.

We may collect anonymised details about visitors to our Website for the purposes of aggregate statistics or reporting purposes. However, no single individual will be identifiable from the anonymised details that we collect for these purposes.

We also process your payment card details in order to complete any purchase that you make through this Website.

In the event that a third party acquires all or part of our business and/or assets, we may disclose your personal data to that third party in connection with the acquisition. Furthermore, we reserve the right to disclose your personal data to third parties as part of any business or asset sale carried out because Garden & Home has gone into insolvency or any similar situation, but only where lawful and compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998, as amended from time to time. We may also disclose your personal data where necessary to comply with applicable law or an order of a governmental or law enforcement body.

Marketing and special offers via the post


We may post you our insert and special offers (including 3rd party offers) from time to time.


We provide you with the ability to control whether or not you receive our insert and special offers (including 3rd party offers) by opt out boxes on the mailing.


Your rights about your personal data


You have the following rights

  • the right to ask what personal data that we hold about you at any time, subject to a fee specified by law (currently £10)

  • the right to ask us to update and correct any out-of-date or incorrect personal data that we hold about you free of charge

  • the right to opt out of any marketing communications that we may send you.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us on 01892 578 239 or email


Updates to this policy


This Privacy Policy was last updated in June 2019. Please check back regularly to keep informed of updates to this Privacy Policy.

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